Thursday, May 31, 2012

A- Active Files

The A files are active files or things that need attention. These files are ORANGE.

Document Retention Guidelines for Category A can be found here.

A-1: Bills to Pay Any bill that is due in the next month goes in this folder.

A-2: Coupons and rebates I check this before I head to the store or run to the mailbox.

A-3: Budget Plan Once I have done my budget plan for the paycheck or the month, I put it in this file where I can get to it easily. This folder was originally the FileWise Index folder but I made a new folder for that (A-13) so I could have my budget plan, coupons and Bills due all together.

A-4: Incoming Mail. When I check the mailbox but don't have time to sort the mail, it goes in here.

A-5: Receipts Unless they are a tax deduction (M4), I put receipts in here to help me keep an eye on my spending.

These next folders don't usually have anything in them. If they do, I remove them from the file cabinets and put them in a file holder on my desk so I don't forget to deal with them later.

A-6: TO call or write

A-7: TO Copy or scan I don't usually use this folder unless I am low on printer ink or running out of time.

A-8: TO Read Later I hardly ever use this one. In fact, I am thinking of reusing it for something else.

A-9: TO Save and File I actually have 12 folders for this section. One for each category (B-M). If I don't have time to file it right away, I file it under the sorting folder for the category the items belongs in.

A-10: TO Send (Mail, fax, E-mail) This one is mostly my fax and blog posts folder. E-mails I deal with in MS outlook and outgoing mail is in a mailbox near my door.

A-11: Wait for Reply This is also my "hold for later" folder.

A-12: Document Retention Guidelines This wasn't in the original FileWise system but I needed a place to put it where I could easily find it. 

A-13: FileWise Filing Index When I finish putting this online, I will post a link here.

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